Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
How can you guarantee that the participants' information is kept private and confidential?
We maintain strict data collection, storage, archiving, and access rights practices to ensure confidentiality.
Our team undergoes comprehensive training, emphasising the strict prohibition of discussing study participants outside research-related contexts.
How do you ensure that user research provides you with all the required information?
We meticulously evaluate each user research question to ensure the validity and reliability of the results.
Our approach involves crafting targeted and contextually clear questions that give respondents accurate responses. We prioritise excluding any unrelated questions that do not align with the user research’s objectives.
How should you handle no-shows?
To handle no shows we do the following.
- Daily reminder calls
- Implement automatic reminders
- Maintain a waiting list
- Promptly reschedule no-shows
- Provide additional reminders for certain participants
- Optimise your schedule management
- Establish clear policies to address no-shows
Why is offline hiring superior?
Offline hiring offers numerous benefits, such as faster recruitment, cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and efficient onboarding.
Job fairs, visiting local libraries, partnering with NGOs and so on serve as excellent offline recruitment channels, effectively expediting the hiring process.
How are you going to find participants?
We employ diverse methods to recruit participants, including targeted online advertising, social media campaigns,
visiting local libraries and public places, using client-provided lists and partnerships with relevant communities/organisations. Our extensive network enables us to connect with individuals who match the specific study demographics/characteristics.